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This article returns to the classic and complex concept of alienation and aims to contribute to its elaboration for today's social philosophy. The idea is to articulate the approaches to alienation developed by Rahel Jaeggi and Axel Honneth, based on a philosopher presumably alien to critical theory, namely Martin Heidegger, and to disassociate ourselves from these authors as we develop the concept. We propose to offer a structural analysis of the concept that will allow us to identify certain basic features that will later serve to elaborate a diagnosis of social pathologies in the contemporary world.

Fernando Forero Pineda, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

Doctor of Philosophy from the Fern-Universität Hagen (Germany) and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia; He completed his doctorate within the framework of the Deutschlateinamerikanisches Forschungs- und Promotionsnetzwerk Philosophie. He has a master's degree in philosophy from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and a degree in social sciences and sociologist. It is part of the Contemporary Hermeneutics Research Group (Universidad Nacional de Colombia). In his doctoral research he dealt with the evolution of Hegelian philosophy in the Jena period and particularly with the concept of negativity in that young professor. His fields of interest are the sources of Hegel's philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Kant, romanticism and post-Kantian idealism) and the extensions of Hegelian philosophy both in the side of Marx and Marxism and in that of hermeneutical philosophy ( particularly in Heidegger and Gadamer). Another of his areas of interest is classical and contemporary social theory. He has carried out research on classical social theory (Marx, Durkheim and Weber), and on social and political thought at the Frankfurt School (Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Habermas, Honneth and the recent works of Hartmund Rosa, Reiner Forst and Rahel Jaeggi ).

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Received 2020-10-29
Accepted 2020-10-29
Published 2021-09-28